
First Look: Here’s the Schedule for the 2023 JAC

  • Date Posted
    September 5, 2023
  • Category

It’s time for your first look at the schedule for the 2023 Joint Annual Conference, which includes 100+ Panel Sessions on educational leadership, finance, school law, and much more. The Conference will take place November 17-19 in Chicago.

The 2023 Conference will mark 90 years as the premier training event for Illinois school board members, administrators, and business officials. Join us to share ideas and best practices and take part in multiple opportunities for professional growth and personal development.

The Joint Annual Conference Planner is available now. Explore all currently scheduled learning sessions, engagement opportunities, and more. Search the Online Planner by topical track, date, or location to plan a custom learning experience that meets your needs.

The Planner includes the Conference’s additional registration events, including the Administrative Professionals’ Program, Friday Focus Workshops, and Equity Immersion.

Joint Annual Conference 2023 registration remains open. The final day to register at reduced early-bird rates is October 13. Questions should be directed to Natalie Duke, (217) 528-9688 or (630) 629-3776, ext. 1115.

As always, check the Conference webpage for updates or follow along on our social media channels using #ILjac23 for the latest.