
Board Presidents

Welcome, Board Presidents!

Leading the successful operation of a meeting is one of the most important responsibilities of the school board president. As the presiding officer, the board president sets the tone and climate of the board meeting to create an environment that allows for decision making and the fair treatment of all members.

Like any other member of the board of education, the board president is expected to participate in discussions and vote on motions. The board president also holds the great responsibility of presiding over meetings, plus other duties as assigned by law. These duties include calling special meetings, serving as the head of the body for purposes of OMA and FOIA, and signing official documents of the district. Many times the board assigns the president further additional duties, including acting as the board’s official spokesperson or making committee appointments.

Find helpful resources below to assist in your duties as school board president. Plus, login to the IASB Community for Board Presidents to connect with school board presidents throughout the state to share resources and strategies.


Registration open! New Board Presidents Academy for Current and Aspiring School Board Presidents.

Additional Learning for Board Presidents

Connect to IASB for support in your role

Reach out to your Association for resources and support for your leadership role.