New OMA Online Learning Course Now Available for IASB Members
Date PostedJune 11, 2023
Take a deep dive into the Open Meetings Act (OMA) with IASB’s new online learning course, Advanced OMA: Your Questions, Our Answers.
Advanced OMA is modeled on real questions from real school board members. The online training seeks to elevate the understanding and enhance the skills of school leaders regarding the Open Meetings Act’s impact on decision-making, public trust, and community engagement. The course covers legal nuances, practical strategies, and techniques to navigate complex OMA requirements while answering questions about facilitating public access, promoting transparency, handling closed sessions, documenting proceedings, and more.
This professional development opportunity is free for IASB members. Successful completion of the course will count toward five Board Leader Recognition Points.
View a full listing of all IASB online course offerings on the IASB website.