
Bell v. Itawamba County School Board, 799 F.3d 379 (5th Cir. 2015)

First Amendment; Free Speech Rights - Student expression off campus of threat

General Interest to School Officials
Case: Bell v. Itawamba County School Board, 799 F.3d 379 (5th Cir. 2015)
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2015

The school district has the right to discipline students for online speech if the speech creates a reasonable risk of a substantial disruption at school. Speech directed at the school community and that is understood to be threatening, harassing, and intimidating could reasonably be anticipated to cause a substantial disruption at school.

While this does not apply in Illinois, this case reflects the increasing trend of courts recognizing the right of school districts to discipline students for certain misconduct that occurs off-campus and online.

Shanell M. Bowden, IASB Law Clerk