
The Board of Education of Du Page High School District 88 v. Pollastrini, 2013 IL App (2d) 120460 (A


Election Issues
Case: The Board of Education of Du Page High School District 88 v. Pollastrini, 2013 IL App (2d) 120460 (August 29, 2013).
Date: Thursday, August 29, 2013

A subdivision petitioned to be detached from its current school district and annexed to another school district. However, sixteen of the relevant signatures deviated from the signatures recorded with the county election authority. These sixteen signatures were crucial to the eligibility of the petition. The Board granted the petition, but the Illinois circuit court reversed that decision and the appellate court agreed.

The circuit court disagreed with the Board and determined that the relevant sixteen signatures did not substantially comply with the statute. The court found that using initials for either the first or last name, omitting the first name, or writing in print rather than cursive made the signatures substantially noncompliant. Neither the ability to identify the voter by the signature, nor the voter’s willingness to testify, substantially satisfy the statute’s requirement that the signatures match the voting record.

Brennan McLoughlin, IASB Law Clerk