ISBE Update: January 2025
Date PostedJanuary 23, 2025
Non-Regulatory Guidance on Immigration Enforcement at School Districts
The State Board of Education has released non-regulatory Guidance on Immigration Enforcement Actions that reinforces students’ right to education and advises Illinois school districts to develop local policies in preparation for federal immigration enforcement actions that may occur on school property.
As stated, all children in the United States are entitled to a basic public education, regardless of their immigration status or the immigration status of their parents or guardians. This has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court (Plyler v. Doe). ISBE’s guidance reviews a school’s discretion to comply with various immigration enforcement actions and records requests and advises districts to adopt policies on the level of cooperation, or non-cooperation, with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
The ISBE guidance recommends that school boards and superintendents consider some potential actions districts can undertake, including
Listening Tour: Assessment and Accountability Redesign
State Superintendent Dr. Tony Sanders and ISBE Executive Staff will be embarking on an Assessment and Accountability Redesign listening tour at locations throughout the state in February, March, April, and May. ISBE is seeking input and feedback on accountability models and assessment performance level descriptors for new proficiency benchmarks. A list of dates, locations, and registration information is available online.
ISBE Turns 50
Happy belated birthday to the Illinois State Board of Education! The conception of the board came about during the sixth Illinois Constitutional Convention in 1970 with the idea of a body appointing a state superintendent, rather than voters electing the statewide position. On January 12, 1975, the duties of the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction were transferred to the Illinois State Board of Education. After some debate, 17 members were selected from across the state and the board hired the first State Superintendent, Joseph Cronin.
The State Board of Education has released non-regulatory Guidance on Immigration Enforcement Actions that reinforces students’ right to education and advises Illinois school districts to develop local policies in preparation for federal immigration enforcement actions that may occur on school property.
As stated, all children in the United States are entitled to a basic public education, regardless of their immigration status or the immigration status of their parents or guardians. This has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court (Plyler v. Doe). ISBE’s guidance reviews a school’s discretion to comply with various immigration enforcement actions and records requests and advises districts to adopt policies on the level of cooperation, or non-cooperation, with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
The ISBE guidance recommends that school boards and superintendents consider some potential actions districts can undertake, including
- Adoption of policies and clear administrative guidance explaining the steps their schools should take in the event immigration enforcement personnel seek to carry out enforcement action or request information from schools.
- Establish a point person or department where ICE personnel can be directed upon arrival, and a point person or department to review records requests or subpoenas arriving from ICE or other authorities.
- Ensure that student data-sharing policies are up to date and readily available to all faculty and staff (including third-party contractors).
- Train staff and faculty on the proper implementation of the related school policies.
- Have policies and procedures in place if a student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) are detained or deported.
Listening Tour: Assessment and Accountability Redesign
State Superintendent Dr. Tony Sanders and ISBE Executive Staff will be embarking on an Assessment and Accountability Redesign listening tour at locations throughout the state in February, March, April, and May. ISBE is seeking input and feedback on accountability models and assessment performance level descriptors for new proficiency benchmarks. A list of dates, locations, and registration information is available online.
ISBE Turns 50
Happy belated birthday to the Illinois State Board of Education! The conception of the board came about during the sixth Illinois Constitutional Convention in 1970 with the idea of a body appointing a state superintendent, rather than voters electing the statewide position. On January 12, 1975, the duties of the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction were transferred to the Illinois State Board of Education. After some debate, 17 members were selected from across the state and the board hired the first State Superintendent, Joseph Cronin.