IASB Constitution and Position Statements Updated to Reflect Delegate Assembly Action
Date PostedJanuary 14, 2025
The IASB Constitution and Position Statements have been updated on the IASB website and will be mailed to all IASB member district offices by the end of January. Districts will receive seven copies of the Constitution and Position Statements.
In 2024, there was one change to the IASB Constitution, five new Position Statements added, and one Position Statement amended as a result of Delegate Assembly action in November.
The Constitutional change is reflected in Section 5-Parliamentary Practice and states: rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not incompatible with the Constitution and any special rules the Association may adopt, provided those rules are in compliance with federal, state and local laws.
The new Position Statements include:
1.21 Dual Language — The Illinois Association of School Boards shall support legislation affirming that the attainment of the Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy satisfies the Illinois world language requirement for graduation.
2.24a EBF Authorized Charter School Funding — The Illinois Association of School Boards shall urge the adoption of an Evidence-Based Funding (EBF) formula for State Authorized Charter Schools that aligns with the funding formula used for every other public school in the state of Illinois.
2.49a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Accountability — The Illinois Association of School Boards shall advocate for the Illinois General Assembly and Governor to enact legislation that reforms the TIF process in a manner that is sensible and responsible, keeps communities whole, and prioritizes greater accountability to taxpayers.
Specific measures include:
5.19 Health Care Coverage — The Illinois Association of School Boards shall support changes that require the Illinois Department of Central Management Services to create a unified health plan for school districts to opt into to provide equitable insurance coverage to all school staff across the state of Illinois.
The amended Position Statement adds the following language to Position 7.08 regarding the use of school district buildings as polling places: “School districts should not be mandated to close on Election Day if none of the buildings used by students within the district serve as polling places.”
Position Statements determine the direction of the Association’s advocacy efforts and legislative agenda on behalf of IASB members.
Each year, IASB member boards of education are asked to participate in the Resolutions Process. The process begins in April with the release of the resolutions submission form. Proposals may be submitted as a new resolution or as an amendment to a current Position Statement.
Complete text of the IASB Constitution and Position Statements are available on the IASB website.
In 2024, there was one change to the IASB Constitution, five new Position Statements added, and one Position Statement amended as a result of Delegate Assembly action in November.
The Constitutional change is reflected in Section 5-Parliamentary Practice and states: rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not incompatible with the Constitution and any special rules the Association may adopt, provided those rules are in compliance with federal, state and local laws.
The new Position Statements include:
1.21 Dual Language — The Illinois Association of School Boards shall support legislation affirming that the attainment of the Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy satisfies the Illinois world language requirement for graduation.
2.24a EBF Authorized Charter School Funding — The Illinois Association of School Boards shall urge the adoption of an Evidence-Based Funding (EBF) formula for State Authorized Charter Schools that aligns with the funding formula used for every other public school in the state of Illinois.
2.49a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Accountability — The Illinois Association of School Boards shall advocate for the Illinois General Assembly and Governor to enact legislation that reforms the TIF process in a manner that is sensible and responsible, keeps communities whole, and prioritizes greater accountability to taxpayers.
Specific measures include:
- Create a TIF approval process that empowers taxing bodies to ensure fairness.
- Authorize the Joint Review Board to approve or disapprove the creation of a TIF.
- Ensure the voting structure reflects the proportional impact of a proposed TIF.
- Require disclosure to taxpayers on the cost of a TIF to the community prior to its approval.
- Include information about the impact of a TIF on tax bills of all taxpayers impacted by the TIF, and
- Publish annual tax revenues from the TIF and make that information available to the community.
5.19 Health Care Coverage — The Illinois Association of School Boards shall support changes that require the Illinois Department of Central Management Services to create a unified health plan for school districts to opt into to provide equitable insurance coverage to all school staff across the state of Illinois.
The amended Position Statement adds the following language to Position 7.08 regarding the use of school district buildings as polling places: “School districts should not be mandated to close on Election Day if none of the buildings used by students within the district serve as polling places.”
Position Statements determine the direction of the Association’s advocacy efforts and legislative agenda on behalf of IASB members.
Each year, IASB member boards of education are asked to participate in the Resolutions Process. The process begins in April with the release of the resolutions submission form. Proposals may be submitted as a new resolution or as an amendment to a current Position Statement.
Complete text of the IASB Constitution and Position Statements are available on the IASB website.