
ICSA and IASB Call for Changes to Address Special Education Residential Placement Crisis 

  • Date Posted
    January 27, 2022
  • Category
In late December, the Illinois Council of School Attorneys (ICSA) sent a letter to the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) regarding the insufficient number of ISBE-approved residential facilities that are available to serve students with significant disabilities. The letter requested that districts be reimbursed when students are placed in nonapproved facilities and allow more students to be placed in a facility before additional preconditions are triggered, as currently required. 
ISBE responded in early January and indicated they would take action to address the issues and continue to work to find long-term solutions for the ongoing problem. 

Among the steps the state board of education has committed include reimbursing school districts when a hearing officer requires the placement of a student in a nonapproved facility after a due process hearing is conducted.  

ISBE has also submitted changes to the Illinois Purchased Care Review Board (IPCRB) to amend its rules by allowing IPCRB to waive requirements for a certified audit and/or cost report if the number of students placed in a facility total 12 or fewer. The current threshold that triggers an audit or cost report is fewer than six students. The idea is that more private facilities will be willing to accept more Illinois students if they do not need to meet the additional requirements. IPCRB is expected to vote on the rule changes at its upcoming February 1 board meeting.  
ICSA and IASB, along with ISBE, have committed to working toward both short- and long-term solutions to the residential placement crisis. 

Learn more about the special education residential placement crisis and the proposed solutions in this factsheet.