
School Design Data File

A place to look for ideas and insights into the current “state of the art” in school design

Developed by IASB Service Associates, the data file contains data, illustrations, and commentary for nearly 700 entries in the annual Exhibit of Educational Environments over the past 30 years. Design professionals who submit entries to this annual design competition are invited to display their projects at the IASB Annual Conference. Once the Conference concludes, each entry is entered into the School Design Data File.

Requesters can contact the IASB communications staff with specific search parameters (type of project, student capacity, county, district name, grade levels housed, or specific use of facilities) to receive a complete data report for each project and copies of a narrative text and/or illustrations that were supplied by the architectural firm relative to the project. Districts or architects may also choose to directly contact the district or design firm listed in the project.

Contact Jennifer Nelson, ext. 1105, or email